Aristotle Pezographos


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Aristotle's Theory of the Period

Author: Adamik, Tomás

Published in 1984

Philosophy and Dialectic

Author: Barnes, Jonathan

Published in 2011

Aristotle and the Methods of Etics

Author: Barnes, Jonathan

Published in 2011

[Aristotle], On Trolling

Author: Barney, Rachel

Published in 2016

Aristotle: On the Art of Poetry. A Revised Text with Critical Introduction, Translation and Commentary

Author: Bywater, Ingram

Published in 1909

Ἐνάργεια et ἐνέργεια: l'évidence d'une démonstration qui signifie les choses en acte (Rhet. Her. 4, 68)

Author: Calboli Montefusco, Lucia

Published in 2005

Un rhéteur méconnu: Démétrios (Ps.-Démétrios de Phalère): essai sur les mutations de la théorie du style à l'époque hellénistique

Author: Chiron, Pierre

Published in 2001

Latinitas, Ἑλληνισμός and Standard Languages

Author: Clackson, James

Published in 2015

Method and Metaphor in Aristotle's Science of Nature

Author: Coughlin, Sean

Published in 2013

Greek Prose Style

Author: Denniston, John Dewar

Published in 1950

Aristotle on Why We Laugh at Jokes

Author: Destrée, Pierre

Published in 2019

The Evolution of Greek Prose Style

Author: Dover, Kenneth James

Published in 1997

The Origin of the Period

Author: Fleming, Thomas

Published in 2006

Aristotle's Platonic Attitude Toward Delivery

Author: Fortenbaugh, William W.

Published in 1986

Aristotle's Art of Rhetoric

Author: Fortenbaugh, William W.

Published in 2007

Theophrastus of Eresus: Sources for His Life, Writings, Thought and Influence. Commentary, Vol. 8: Sources on Rhetoric and Poetics

Author: Fortenbaugh, William W.

Published in 2005

Aristotle on the Period (Rhet. 3. 9)

Author: Fowler, Robert L.

Published in 1982

The Epic Rhapsode and His Craft: Homeric Performance in a Diachronic Perspective

Author: González, José Maria

Published in 2013

Reading and the "Written Style" in Aristotle's Rhetoric

Author: Graff, Richard J.

Published in 2001

Prose versus Poetry in Early Greek Theories of Style

Author: Graff, Richard J.

Published in 2005

Actors and Theatre in Aristotle's Rhetoric and Beyond

Author: Hall, Edith

Published in 2021

Style & Sense in Aristotle's "Rhetoric" Bk. 3

Author: Halliwell, Stephen

Published in 1993

Literary Quotation and Allusion in the Rhetoric, Poetics, and Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle

Author: Hinman, Willis Stuart

Published in 1935

Theophrastus and the Theory of Style

Author: Innes, Doreen C.

Published in 1985

Aristotle: The Written and the Performative Styles

Author: Innes, Doreen C.

Published in 2007

The Art of Persuasion in Greece

Author: Kennedy, George Alexander

Published in 1963

Nonsense and Meaning in Ancient Greek Comedy

Author: Kidd, Stephen E.

Published in 2014

Aristotle on Language and Style: The Concept of Lexis

Author: Kotarcic, Ana

Published in 2021

The Evolution of Eirōneia in Classical Greek Texts: Why Socratic Eirōneia is not Socratic Irony

Author: Lane, Melissa

Published in 2006

The Metarhetoric of Aristotle, with Some Examples from His On Memory and Recollection

Author: Murphy, James J.

Published in 2002

Aristotle's Notion of "Bringing-Before-the-Eyes": Its Contributions to Aristotelian and Contemporary Conceptualizations of Metaphor, Style, and Audience

Author: Newman, Sara

Published in 2002

Alcidamas, Aristophanes and the Beginnings of Greek Stylistic Theory

Author: O'Sullivan, Neil

Published in 1992

Language Correctness (Hellenismos) and Its Criteria

Author: Pagani, Lara

Published in 2015

Cicero numerosus. Studien zum antiken Prosarhythmus

Author: Primmer, Adolf

Published in 1968

Antico indiano víbhakti- e greco πτῶσις

Author: Ronzitti, Rosa

Published in 2013

Über die klassische Theorie und Praxis des antiken Prosarhythmus

Author: Schmid, Walter

Published in 1959

Σύνδεσμος und ἄρθρον in Aristoteles' Poetik

Author: Schramm, Michael

Published in 2005

Aristotle on False Reasoning: Language and the World in the Sophistical Refutations

Author: Schreiber, Scott G.

Published in 2003

Description of the Constituent Elements of the (Greek) Language

Author: Swiggers, Pierre/Wouters, Alfons

Published in 2015

Ἐνάργεια et ἐνέργεια: l'évidence d'une démonstration qui signifie les choses en acte (Rhet. Her. 4, 68) TESTING

Author: TEST

Published in 1885

Aristotle on the Matter of Form: A Feminist Metaphysics of Generation

Author: Trott, Adriel M.

Published in 2019

Aristotelis de arte poetica liber (3rd ed)

Author: Vahlen, Johannes

Published in 1885

Review of H. Bonitz, Index Aristotelicus

Author: Vahlen, Johannes

Published in 1872

Beiträge zu Aristoteles Poetik

Author: Vahlen, Johannes

Published in 1865

Between Song and Prose: The Meaning(s) of Harmonia in Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics

Author: Vatri, Alessandro

Published in 2016

How Style Met the City: Athenian Communication and the Conundrums of Greek Stylistics

Author: Vatri, Alessandro

Published in 2022

Divisive Scholarship: Affiliation Dynamics in Ancient Greek Literary Criticism

Author: Vatri, Alessandro

Published in 2021

The Nature and Perception of Attic Prose Rhythm

Author: Vatri, Alessandro

Published in 2020

Bridging the Gap between Aristotle's Use and Theory of Metaphora

Author: Vega, Margarita

Published in 2017

Latinitas, Hellenismos, 'Arabiyya

Author: Versteegh, Kees

Published in 1987

Ekphrasis, Imagination and Persuasion in Ancient Rhetorical Theory and Practice

Author: Webb, Ruth

Published in 2009

La λέξις ἠθική (style éthique) dans le livre III de la Rhétorique d'Aristote? Les emplois d'ἠθικόϛ dans le corpus aristotélicien

Author: Woerther, Frédérique

Published in 2005

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